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Cost of living in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire 2022

Abidjan cost of living



A big part of preparing your move back to Africa is planning for a budget. After all, for many of us, the appeal of moving back is that we hope we will be able to stretch our money a bit further.

So, realistically, how much further does your money go when living in an African city ? How does it compare to the cost of living in an American or European city?

To find out, let’s look at the cost of living in Abidjan (since that’s where we’ll be moving). I asked my sister who lives in the suburb of Bingerville to give me some estimates of how much it would cost to live in different areas of the city.

We purposely focused on more up and coming areas who are typically more affordable than established ones. 


Cost of living in Abidjan by the beach (Bassam)


When I was growing up, Bassam was synonymous with Sundays at the beach. My parents would pack the whole household in the car in the morning and we would do the one hour drive to one of the many beachfront restaurants in Bassam.

But today, after the construction of a multi-line expressway, and the continuous expansion of Bassam, the area has basically become a suburb of Abidjan. It has the same (most) amenities as one can find in Abidjan. Beautiful new constructions are rising up everywhere.

Many private clinics and pharmacies are available throughout the town.

L’hôpital général, a public hospital, has been recently renovated. 

Grand Bassam is about an hour from Plateau, the business city center. 

If you’re looking for entertainment, Grand Bassam is the perfect spot to have easy access to waterfront maquis (restaurants in Côte d’Ivoire).

Here is a monthly budget example for a family of four in Bassam:

  • Housing:
    • 2-bedroom house: 150,000- 200,000 FCFA ($235- $313)
    • 3-bedroom house: 250000 – 300000 ($391- $469)
  • Electricity: 25 000- 40 000 FCFA (40 $ – 63 $)
  • Water: 5 000- 6 700 FCFA (8$-11$)
  • Health insurance (cost per year) : 500 000 – 1 000 000 FCFA (782 $ – 1563 $)
  • Internet: 30000 ($47)
  • Food: 150000-200000 ($235-$313)


Cost of living in Abidjan’s suburb : Bingerville


Bingerville is another up and coming suburb  located East of Abidjan. Like Bassam, Bingerville used to be its own town, but it is now a commune of Abidjan.

Once known for its botanical garden and its famous Lycée des jeunes filles (Girls’ high school), Bingerville is now full of new infrastructures, with new roads being built every day and housing developments popping up and selling like hot buns. 

In terms of amenities, Bingerville offers everything you can find in Abidjan: private and public health clinics, including the brand new Mother Baby hospital, pharmacies, private and public schools for all budgets, supermarkets and markets and a new upcoming public court being built.

Here’s an example of a monthly budget for a family living in Bingerville. As you can see, it’s similar to Bassam.


  • Housing:
    • 2-bedroom house: 150,000- 200,000 FCFA ($235- $313)
    • 3-bedroom house: 250000 – 300000 ($390- $469)
  • Electricity: 25 000- 40 000 FCFA (40 $ – 63 $)
  • Water: 5 000- 6 700 FCFA (8$-11$)
  • Health insurance (cost per year) : 500 000 – 1 000 000 FCFA (782 $ – 1563 $)
  • Internet: 30000 ($47)
  • Food: 150000-200000 FCFA ($235-$313)


Cost of living in one of the most famous neighborhoods of Abidjan: Yopougon


No need to introduce this area of Abidjan! It’s not really an up and coming neighborhood, but rather an established one. 

This vibrant neighborhood was made famous in the beloved graphic novels, Aya de Yopougon. But even before the books were published, Yopougon has always been known in Africa for its party vibe (with la rue Princess) and its food scene.

It’s actually the biggest of the 15 communes of Abidjan, located in the north part of the city.  

In terms of amenities, Yopougon has many health clinics and hospitals, including the university hospital of Yopougon. It offers endless options of housing for all budgets, as well as shopping. Of course, you have the vibrant night life.  Yopougon is also located at the border of the Ebrie Lagoon, which means water buses are an option to get in and out of the commune. And a new bridge that will connect Yopougon to Plateau, Abidjan business center, is being built now.

Because of its location at the North of Abidjan and its proximity with Autoroute du Nord (North highway, that goes to Bouake and Yamoussoukro), living in Yopougon also allows you to get out of the city easily, if you’re planning frequent travels inside the country.

Below is an example of a budget for a family of 4 living in Yopougon. 


  • Housing:
    • 2-bedroom house: 90000-150000 FCFA ($141- $235)
    • 3-bedroom house: 150000 – 200000 ($141- $313)
  • Electricity: 25 000- 40 000 FCFA (40 $ – 63 $)
  • Water: 5 000- 6 700 FCFA (8$-11$)
  • Health insurance (cost per year) : 500 000 – 1 000 000 FCFA (782 $ – 1563 $)
  • Internet: 30000 ($47)
  • Food: 60000-100000 FCFA ($94-$157)


Other neighborhood with comparable budget: Port Bouet

Cost of living in a mid-upper class neighborhood of Abidjan: Angré


Angré is located in the Northeastern part of Abidjan, about 40 minutes away from Plateau. It’s a neighborhood in the commune of Cocody, one of the most affluent commune d’Abidjan. 

For a long time, Angré was considered to be just an extension of Deux Plateaux.

But things have changed. Every year, Angré has extended North. The neighborhood now offers many amenities and more options for middle range housings, from apartments buildings to mid range single family homes. 

Living in the neighborhood gives you access to the newest university hospital in Abidjan, your choice of private and public schools, many shopping and entertainment options.

Here’s an example of the cost of living in Abidjan Angré:

  • Housing:
    • 2-bedroom house: 200000-350000 FCFA ($313- $548)
    • 3-bedroom house: 250000-500000 ($391- $782)
  • Electricity: 25 000- 40 000 FCFA (40 $ – 63 $)
  • Water: 5 000- 6 700 FCFA (8$-11$)
  • Health insurance (cost per year) : 500 000 – 1 000 000 FCFA (782 $ – 1563 $)
  • Internet: 30000 ($47)
  • Food: 150000-200000 FCFA ($235-$313)


Other neighborhoods with comparable budget: Riviera 2, Deux Plateaux Aghien, Cocody Blockhaus


Other costs to plan for in your budget 


These budgets will give you an idea of basic expenses, but they don’t include all the expenses you may have once you move back to Abidjan.

Some other expenses to consider in your budget:

    • Schooling if you have children. You have as many school options as you have different budgets. There are public and private schools, French, Ivorian, American schools
    • House help if you chose to go that route. Are you planning to hire a person to help with cooking or the kids? What about a driver?
    • Car or transportation expenses. Will you own your own car? In that case you’ll have to consider the price of gas that is typically more expensive in Abidjan than in the US, as well as the price of car insurance. If you’re planning to use cabs or public transportation, you’ll have the choice of private cabs, new car services, shared cabs (woro-woro) , Gbaka or  public buses. 
    • Phone bills. You’ll have the choice between 3 companies: Orange, MTM and Moov. Those are the same ones that offer Internet service.
  • Hobbies, entertainment, travel


Other neighborhoods you can consider to live in Abidjan


More expensive neighborhoods in Abidjan

  • Deux Plateaux 
  • Plateau
  • Cocody Centre
  • Zone 4
  • Marcory
  • Riviera Golf
  • Riviera 3


More affordable neighborhoods in Abidjan

  • Adjame
  • Abobo
  • Treichville
  • Anono
  • Attecoube
  • Koumassi

Cost of living in Abidjan, summary


So a little recap, the table below shows a comparison of monthly basic budgets for living in Grand Bassam, Bingerville, Yopougon and Cocody Angré.


Neighborhood  Monthly budget estimate 
Grand Bassam 401 670 to 660 035 FCFA ($628-$1032)
Bingerville  401 670 to 660 035 FCFA ($628-$1032)
Yopougon  251 670 to 460 035 FCFA ($394-$719)
Cocody Angré  451 679 to 860 035 FCA ($705-$1345)


Of course, those budgets are just averages. You may find cheaper or more expensive housing options. Ultimately your budget will depend on the size of your family, your goals, your needs and wants.

But I hope that this article will be a good starting point for you to start planning.

Which African city are you planning to move to? Does the cost of living there compare to any of the budgets I shared today? Tell me by sending an email to backtotheotherland@gmail.com or a DM on Instagram @backtotheotherland.

Follow me there to see all the behind the scenes of our move to Abidjan!


That’s all for today. See you next time!


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Aspiring repat

Hi I’m Patricia, an Ivorian expat living in the US for the past 13 years. As I embark on my return to my home country, and explore questions around repatriation, I want to take you along with me on this journey.

Salut, je suis Patricia, une expat ivoirienne vivant aux États Unis depuis 13 ans. Après 20 ans a l’étranger, j’ai décidé de rentrer dans mon pays d’origine. Rejoignez moi pour explorer les questions autour du retour dans son pays d’origine.


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