A blog and resource for African repats

Places To visit in Cotonou and Surroundings in 7 days?

Places to visit in Cotonou

In 2022, Benin was Already on my radar like a country I couldn’t wait to (re)visit. I wanted to show my daughter Cotonou, show her different regions of Benin,  and expose her to this culture which is part of my heritage.   Well, it’s done! We had a chance to travel to Benin with family […]

Que Visiter à Cotonou et aux Alentours en 7 jours?

Que faire a Cotonou en 7 jours?

  En 2022, le Bénin était déjà sur mon radar comme un pays que j’avais hâte de (re)visiter. Je voulais faire visiter Cotonou a ma fille, lui montrer les différentes régions du Bénin, et l’imprégner de cette culture qui fait partie de mon héritage.   Eh bien c’est chose faite! Nous avons eu la chance […]

Top 5 Things to Do in Lomé Togo as a Family

Top things to do in Lome as a family

Lomé is a bustling city full of things to do for family. I had driven through the city decades ago as a teen. This year, I finally got to travel there and explore the city with my husband and my 5 years old. And let me tell you, there was a lot to see!   […]

8 Totally Underrated Places to Visit in Africa

Vacations are finally here. Swarms of tourists are heading to Miami to enjoy the Magic City. My heart is already in Ivory Coast. I imagine what our vacations will look like once we get there. Which underrated places in Africa will we explore? Which cities and countries do I want to (re)visit when we are […]