Looking for a job in Africa: should you create your own or work as an employee?
Part of planning your return to Africa, is to decide if you want to return and work for a company on the continent or if you want to create your own job in Africa and start your own business there. Today, I go through the different advantages and challenges of having a job vs being […]
Being a successful entrepreneur in Africa: 6 powerful lessons I learned from my fierce mother
As far as I can remember, my mom always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Maybe it was because of how things were in Cote d’Ivoire or the fact that she was born in a family that did not have a lot of material resources. She went through multiple business endeavors: a school bookstore, a pig farm, […]
10 reasons why you should move to Africa
1.You are tired of racist microaggressions According to Psychology today, a microaggression is “ a subtle, often unintentional, form of prejudice”. For example: “Wow, you speak *insert host country language* so well”. Or “Can I speak to the pharmacist/ doctor/ manager/ owner? Oh! That’s YOU! *insert surprised tone*”. So, if you’re tired of getting […]
10 reasons you should not move to Africa
1. You think you’re going to save Africa. News flash: they did not wait for you oh *insert Ivorian accent here*! The train has already left the station. Africa’s economy is growing – it has a projected GDP growth of 3.4 % in 2021. Women’s role in governance has increased. They hold more […]
Should you sell your house or rent it out when you repatriate to your home country?
Husband and I have been having this conversation since we decided to go back. We keep going back and forth between selling our house or renting it out. So, I’ve been researching like a crazy woman to see what other people do out there and how they come up with their decision to sell or […]