Cost of living in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire 2022

A big part of preparing your move back to Africa is planning for a budget. After all, for many of us, the appeal of moving back is that we hope we will be able to stretch our money a bit further. So, realistically, how much further does your money go when living in […]
Can you do homeschooling in Africa

Since we decided to move back to Africa, I’ve been wondering which school to pick for our daughter once we got there. Through my reflection, I started to consider the possibility of homeschooling. Today I’m sharing with you what I found in my search to find out if homeschooling is even a possibility in Africa. […]
Looking for a job in Africa: should you create your own or work as an employee?

Part of planning your return to Africa, is to decide if you want to return and work for a company on the continent or if you want to create your own job in Africa and start your own business there. Today, I go through the different advantages and challenges of having a job vs being […]
Being a successful entrepreneur in Africa: 6 powerful lessons I learned from my fierce mother

As far as I can remember, my mom always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Maybe it was because of how things were in Cote d’Ivoire or the fact that she was born in a family that did not have a lot of material resources. She went through multiple business endeavors: a school bookstore, a pig farm, […]
10 reasons why you should move to Africa

1.You are tired of racist microaggressions According to Psychology today, a microaggression is “ a subtle, often unintentional, form of prejudice”. For example: “Wow, you speak *insert host country language* so well”. Or “Can I speak to the pharmacist/ doctor/ manager/ owner? Oh! That’s YOU! *insert surprised tone*”. So, if you’re tired of getting […]
10 reasons you should not move to Africa

1. You think you’re going to save Africa. News flash: they did not wait for you oh *insert Ivorian accent here*! The train has already left the station. Africa’s economy is growing – it has a projected GDP growth of 3.4 % in 2021. Women’s role in governance has increased. They hold more […]
Should you sell your house or rent it out when you repatriate to your home country?

Husband and I have been having this conversation since we decided to go back. We keep going back and forth between selling our house or renting it out. So, I’ve been researching like a crazy woman to see what other people do out there and how they come up with their decision to sell or […]