Why is December the Best Time to Visit Abidjan?

Looking to dive into the vibrant energy, culture, and excitement of Abidjan? December is definitely the time to go. From perfect weather and bustling music festivals to beach resorts and colorful markets, Abidjan is buzzing this month. Do you want to make the most out of your trip to the Ivorian capital? Here are five […]
40 Activités Incontournables à Faire À Abidjan avec des Enfants

Les grandes vacances arrivent et c’est l’occasion de (re) decouvrir Abidjan avec les enfants. Certaines sorties à faire à Abidjan avec des enfants ne sont plus à présenter: Paradisia, le zoo d’Abidjan, Doraville. En plus de celles-là, aujourd’hui on parle des activités un peu plus uniques à faire à Abidjan avec nos bout de choux. […]
How to Start an Online Business in Africa?

Today we’re talking with Linda Enoh about how to start an online business in Africa Linda is the face behind the YouTube channel Tokende Travel. On her channel, she talks about getting ready to move back to Africa. She also shares resources and tips about how to start and manage an online business. Linda […]
Abidjan Cocody: Quel Budget pour y Vivre?

Salut les amis. Aujourd’hui on parle budget pour vivre à Abidjan Cocody. J’avais déjà écrit un article sur le coût de la vie a Abidjan en 2022. Depuis, on a déménagé à Cocody, une des communes d’Abidjan. Donc aujourd’hui je partage avec vous quelles sont nos dépenses mensuelles pour une famille de trois. Combien faut-il […]
35 Idées Cadeaux Afro pour Enfants et Ados

Aujourd’hui on parle cadeaux Afro pour les bouts de choux et les ados de nos vies! Si tu es à la recherche de cadeaux pour: Amuser les tous petits tout en leur envoyant un message positif sur leur identité Eveiller l’afro-curiosite des plus grands de façon ludique Inspirer tes enfants à rêver grand et […]
10 reasons why you should move to Africa

1.You are tired of racist microaggressions According to Psychology today, a microaggression is “ a subtle, often unintentional, form of prejudice”. For example: “Wow, you speak *insert host country language* so well”. Or “Can I speak to the pharmacist/ doctor/ manager/ owner? Oh! That’s YOU! *insert surprised tone*”. So, if you’re tired of getting […]
Review: My experience with African brand Madeleine D’Arabie – a case for supporting African designers

Discovering African designer Madeleine D’Arabie and the Deureum bag Before I start, let me just say that this is not a sponsored post. I paid for this bag with my own money :). I decided to write this review because I really fell in love with this brand and thought it would be helpful to […]
Should you sell your house or rent it out when you repatriate to your home country?

Husband and I have been having this conversation since we decided to go back. We keep going back and forth between selling our house or renting it out. So, I’ve been researching like a crazy woman to see what other people do out there and how they come up with their decision to sell or […]
West Africa is calling!!

That’s it! It’s (un)official. Hubby and I have decided to move back to my country Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇮. I’m Patricia. I am an Ivorian and I have been living in the United States for 13 years now. It’s been a surprisingly easy decision to make to return back to my country. We’ve been toying with […]